When we switch off the automatic pilot, slow down and pay full attention to what we are doing, we deepen our connection with ourselves and the world around us. It’s in that space that good, fulfilling and nurturing experiences take place.
How to eat mindfully
Let’s start by saying that we all have the capacity to eat mindfully here and now. There is not a skill that we need to learn in order to eat healthy and sustainably. Everything we need, we already have it. So where to start? Our efforts to eat mindfully should start the moment we decide the food we want to buy.
Know where your food comes from
Understanding the origins of our food will empower us and help us make informed choices. Buying food intentionally, rather than practicing impulse buying, will benefit our health as well as the environment.
Supermarkets are obliged to state the origin of the fresh produce they sale. Otherwise, this information will be on thelabels of pre-packed food.
Home produced vs Imports
According to government statistics, The UK currently produces about 60% of its domestic food consumption. This means just under half of the actual food on plates is produced in the UK, including the majority of grains, meat, dairy, and eggs.
Reflect on where the food comes from and appreciate the effort involved
in bringing it to your plate
The UK’s climate limits the production of certain crops, especially tropical fruits, rice, and some grains. Spain, Netherland and Ireland are the countries of origins of a big majority of UK food imports.
Ways to shop ethically
Luckily, in our country there are different ways we can access food. However, some will be more advisable than others.
🥕Connect directly with growers by shopping locally. Don’t be afraid of asking questions about how the food has been grown.
🥕Look for certifications such as organic, fair trade, non-GMO, sustainably sourced or no added sugar or additives.
🥕Research the companies and farms behind your favourite foods to ensure they are transparent and prioritise sustainability.
🥕Growing your own food will teach you about the food-growing process.
🥕Look at food buying as an important activity, rather than a means to an end. Buying food should take at least 50% of the total time to dedicate to your diet.
The power of chewing
Chewing properly is key to eating mindfully. In addition, it’s an important part of our digestion and has numerous health benefits:
🦷Breaks down food into smaller particles, making it easier for your stomach and intestines to process.
🦷Saliva produced during chewing contains enzymes which begin the digestion of carbohydrates and fats in the mouth.
🦷Properly chewed food is broken down more thoroughly, allowing your body to extract and absorb nutrients more efficiently.
🦷Swallowing large chunks of food can lead to indigestion and bloating.
🦷Prevents overeating by giving your brain time to register fullness.
Aiming for about 20–30 chews per bite can improve your
overall digestion and health
Besides, chewing allows us to savour the flavours of our food, making meals more satisfying.
How much should we eat and how often
The amount we should eat depends on several factors, including your age, gender and activity level. Those factors will determine your recommended daily calorie intake. Women’s will be between 1,800 and 2,400 while men’s will oscillate between 2,200 and 3,000.
However, we shouldn’t rely entirely on the number of calories. Instead, we should focus on nutrient-dense foods that keep you full longer, like fibre-rich vegetables and lean proteins.
Why we shouldn’t eat too much
There are a few very good reasons why eating moderately is preferred to eating big meals. In particular, eating too much can have several negative effects on your body and overall health.
🍲Large meals overload your digestive system, making it harder to break down food efficiently.
🍲Overeating, particularly carb-heavy meals, can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar followed by a crash, leaving you feeling tired or sluggish.
🍲Consistently eating large meals can lead to consuming more calories than your body needs, resulting in fat storage and weight gain.
🍲Overeating increases pressure on the stomach, making it more likely for stomach acid to back up into the oesophagus, causing heartburn.
How to practice mindful eating
You have sourced your ingredients, make your food and now it’s time to eat. How do we guarantee that we eat mindfully?
🪷Create a calm, inviting atmosphere for meals. Using a clean, uncluttered table in a quiet area would be perfect. Avoid distractions like TV, phones, or multitasking.
🪷 Take a moment before eating to take a few deep breaths. Look at your food and notice its colours, shapes, and arrangement.
🪷Place a small portion in your mouth and let it sit for a moment. Chew slowly, noticing textures and flavours.
🪷Notice Emotional Triggers. How does this food make me feel? Pay attention to emotional cravings or stress-based eating.
Eating mindfully will bring great pleasure and numerous benefits to your life. It will help you redefine your relationship with food and make you feel healthier. Start by introducing it to one of your meals, even only once a week, as an act of self-care and self-appreciation.
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